Im just your average Jo. Well im not Jo, I'm Muhammad, but theres millions of Muhammads, so im not your average Muhammad either. Yeah lol this is me. Come read my opinions.

Posts tagged ‘Good Intensions’

Love, through my eyes


From the dawn of mankind the stories of unconditional love and sacrifice have flourished under the nurturing of both man and woman alike. From the world renowned Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet to Layla and Majnun from south East Asia, every culture throughout time has had a tragic tale of unattainable love.

Having been requested to write a post on something along the lines of “what’s love” or “the definition of love”, and once again like my previous post I am struggling to layout what love is or how one should love and be loved. In an ever growing materialistic world, surely unconditional love has become an utmost rare thing, as rare as a majestic white peacock. How do people love? Do people confuse lust, the need of companionship, or need to be with someone for social reasons, with love? However sad this may sound, I believe that to be so.

The world’s population stands at 7.125 Billion and there are bound to be a handful of couples out there naturally, who have devoted their entire lives, wealth, souls to each other unconditionally, who live for each other’s breath, sight and smile. One day I hope to meet somebody like that and thus put the question of “how is love defined” to rest.

And like my previous post, I shall try to express what I believe love to be through my experiences and emotions.

Rewinding my life back around 3 years, I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. We soon became friends and soon became much more. One of her characteristics which I fell in love with instantly was, and still is, compassion. Compassion for not just those who she knew but towards those she didn’t. Her kindness, generosity, strength, selflessness, honesty, these traits where the basic foundations upon which a relationship could be built. And one was over time.

There is remarkable beauty in her every action, her dress sense, her dimples, they way she drinks her coffee, to even how she gets irritated and angry when I go to MMA. Her every quality has become unique and marvellous and many a time she has left me a little short of breath in awe.

She has become a priority in my life, and I believe love to be a selfless act. My needs seem trivial compared to that of hers. If I can someway somehow make her smile, give her what she wants or help her in the time of need, even if I have to compromise, I shall make my best efforts to do that. By helping her I feel as if I am helping myself.

The best parts of my day are the ones spent around her, I could win the lottery today yet the best feeling wouldn’t be winning the lottery, it would be sharing my good news. She is most definitely the first person I think of when I wake up and the last when I sleep.

Of course as time goes on my feelings for her grow. I constantly find new things to love, or learn something new which I adore, find fun or just amazing. I believe love cannot be forced. It is like running water, the level rises and rises until the point it spills over whatever it is contained in. Good things cannot be pushed.

She simply is my best friend, who gives me a warm feeling, brings joy into my life, who holds on tight to me through dark days, who makes me a better person, who simply loves me for who I am with my faults.

Now I believe I am in love with this extraordinary lady, unfortunately, I wasn’t given an instruction manual on how to love someone, so I do my best, with the best of intentions and a pure heart. That’s what counts in the eyes of God I believe, good intentions. For as long as I live, I shall keep trying to do the best I can and give her the best of me that I can.

Love should come naturally, and I believe one should try to show love to another the best way they can, and if it’s true, it will bloom and blossom. Like how a mother loves a child; without conditions.

Above all else love should be effortless. It should come with ease, bringing delight to those in love and those associated with them.

Maybe love doesn’t have a definition? Maybe love is what you make of it? It is how you feel? The special bond two people share? I have expressed what I believe love to be, maybe you could share your story with me…

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